Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion History
Preppy American Brunch celebrating
Lilly Pulitzer Rousseau’s 80th Birthday
Saturday, November 12, 2011 at 11:45am
At the
Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion History
Sponsorship Categories:
Your financial support of this brunch is needed. The following for your review are sponsorship categories for various dollar amounts. The Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion History is a non-profit 501 ( c ) 3 tax exempt organization. Tax I.D. #65-0999010. Your financial donation will also provide your company with a unique marketing opportunity to reach a significant target audience.
$7,000.00 - $8,999.00 (Presenting Sponsor)
Company name and logo listed in invitation
Company name and logo listed on signage and program for day of event
Company name and logo featured on MLFH website and e-mail promotions for event
Company name listed in press releases about the event
Four tables of 10 brunch seats for the event/40 total brunch seats
$5,000.00 - $6,999.00 (Premier Sponsor)
Company name and logo listed in invitation
Company name and logo listed on signage and program for day of event
Company name and logo featured on MLFH website and e-mail promotions for event
Company name listed in press releases about the event
Three tables of 10 brunch seats for the event/30 total brunch seats
$3,000.00 - $4,999.00 (Patron)
Company name listed in invitation
Company name listed on signage and program for day of event
Company name listed on MLFH website and e-mail promotions for event
Company name listed in press releases about the event
Two tables of 10 brunch seats for the event/20 total brunch seats
$1,500.00 to $2,999.00 (Supporter)
Company name listed in invitation
Company name listed on signage and program for day of event
Company name listed on MLFH website and e-mail promotions for event
Company name listed in press releases about the event
One table of 10 brunch seats
$750 – Table of 10
One table of 10 brunch seats
$75.00 – Individual Ticket
One Individual Ticket
Thank you so much for your time and consideration. We are hopeful that your response will be a favorable one. Please mail financial donations to the Museum’s mailing address at P.O. Box 6127; Delray Beach, FL 33482. For more information, call 561-243-2662, e-mail: PreppyBirthday@ or visit